Visitors Insurance - A Need For Parents Visiting USA

I spent this weekend in one of the finest resorts in the city. It was great fun, good food and lots of entertainment for all ages. I went with my wife and kids. There I met my old college friend. Since we met each other after many years, we had a very long discussion. The time spent with him was very valuable. Why I said because, my parents are planning for a short visit to America this fall to attend one of my cousin's wedding in California. My friend had asked me whether my parents have any plans to purchase visitors insurance or travel medical insurance. I said since it was only a 3 month visit and buying visitors insurance would not be of great help.

But my friend changed my mindset and explained me all the benefits including the cost factor that comes in buying the visitors health insurance along with the flight ticket. He also suggested to get the visitors insurance from a reputed US based insurance company and advised me to purchase it before landing in the US, so as to avoid any stress after reaching the destination as to whom to ask for help regarding travel health insurance.

After searching online and researching with many travel agents about visitors insurance for parents and clearing all by queries, I decided to purchase Patriot America Insurance for my parents to have safe and stress free trip to the United States.


  1. Yes, Often most of us realize the benefits of visitor insurance very late. For your information there is a website which offers different top rated insurance plans which can be compared and the best can be purchased.

    1. Exactly! All of us often neglect to realize the benefits of visitor insurance before making a travel to USA and face horrible situation when it comes to reality of bearing huge medical bills under unforeseen emergencies. Better reap the benefits with a valid health coverage plan with


Review and buy visitors insurance online.

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